Benefits of this course:
- Eliminate limiting or destructive thought and behaviour patterns
- Learn strategies to unleash your potential and create a life of success, happiness and balance
- Create lasting change in all areas of your life from finances to personal motivation to relationships.
Course details:
- One on one sessions face to face or via Skype
Ru Badal –
I’ve had just 4 sessions with Kas so far and I am loving the results!! She is so passionate about helping you to live best life at your full potential and her warmth, enthuisiasm and energy flows through everything that she does. Kas gently opens your mind to new views and ways of understanding yourself. It’s so hard to quantify this kind of result but I feel different- much more positive and much less fearful. I’ve felt stuck for the longest time without really knowing why and she helped me to unpack my own self sabotaging behaviours and motivated me to start putting my own agenda into action. She has a wonderful manner of listening to you without judgement while guiding you to understand your own behaviour. She gave me a number of tools to use to help me both personally and professionally and I love the progress that I’ve made since using them. And, she’s funny. She is both a mentor and a friend to me and I hold her in the highest regard.